“[U] dummy..” ?

I think I don’t have to ask as everyone understands what it means. Implicitly it means you are DUMB! But, what will you feel if your friend say “ u dummy ” or in other words, ‘You are DUMB!’ after showing your stupidity in spelling a word. And the friend is him who you respect the most, he is who you don’t feel comfortable with his attitude but you defend him when people disparage his attitude (sometimes), an the worst thing is after you politely express your uneasiness him but he does seek for apology, or he even does not obliterate of what he has done? Ask yourself! Is this a friend?

Give me space to reflect on it too.

But I still say that he is an ilk of friends. Although I do feel vehemently aggravated of his words, patience plays ‘his’ role here. If I want to disseminate his blaspheme, so that his blaspheme will degrade himself, I can do it facilely. But I have told you, patience plays ‘his’ role here. He is still my friend :P

(*I believe he must be be saying (now): “U dummy”. I never thought you are my friend.)

Next Generation in KISAS

Aaah...(sigh) Very tired as I just have returned from KISAS to enroll my sister there, and she is my next generation in KISAS. Euphoric - that was what I felt when being there. I did miss KISAS very much and I do believe that you are as well! I met G-man, Asroy, Musyid, and Farid and they are all KPs (who i felt doubtios of thier qualification.. lol). The best part was I got a chance to meet, chat, and share my epxerience with them and some of the teachers. My juniors also shared something with me. One of Khadilians said Khalidians have planed something for juniors so that they can be moulded holistically. It sounds great but I dont know what is it. It is ok as I will always visit KISAS and I can catch up the latest news there. Anyway, my sister is a Thariqian. I didn't ask help of Ustaz Zainal to list her name in Khalid as she deserves to start herlife here by her own way. Let she get her chance! Besides, brothers' of some of our 'batch' also got to study here as Farid's and Fadhil's. Others' I forgot. Sorry.