Miss You All Mates!!!

I miss u Pictures, Images and Photos
Basically, I pray you all will fly to your destination abroad to pursue your study. To relate with the issue today, let me say that I miss you all especially ex-Kisasians!! Although we are still in Malaysia, it seems we live in different worlds as difficult to utter hai and chatter with each other.. I just can’t figure out how do I’ll feel or we’ll feel when we are located far in distances all over the globe from the west to the east as I have experienced it !!!
Since the time is dissimilar from one whereabouts to other, it minimizes the possibility we can chat or making a live conference like before.
What do I can voice up here, always update your blog so we can hear some news from you guys! Make Saturday or Sunday as you time to hunt for your mates!!

And for you Daniel, Lewis, Jonny, Rassia, L, D and few more (since I’m still in Malaysia), I hope we still can get chance to talk as what we did before. Miss u all a lot!

IM GONNA MISS U Pictures, Images and Photos
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